Our Services

What We Do:

With the many years of loan processing, loan origination and other mortgage related experience under our belts, 1 Touch Processing LLC, is the go to for your contract processing needs. We understand the business from the processing, origination, real estate and administrative sides. 1 Touch Processing LLC and its highly motivated team will process your mortgage loan applications to your exact requirements. From origination to closing, we follow the LO’s instructions regarding client and agent contact, processing needs, and other items that contribute to the MLO’s production.

Our low flat-rate processing fee is paid only when the loan file closes which eases your personnel budget. No need for incentives to stay competitive and compliant and no need to worry about the cost of vacation and sick day pay.

When you need a quick and experienced replacement (short or long-term), 1 Touch Processing will meet your needs with our exceptional service. We will do everything that you would expect a highly experienced processor to do by assigning the MLO to a processor that will assist the MLO in exceeding production goals, agent and client retention, and referrals standards.

We are only successful if you, the MLO and mortgage company, are successfully

closing loans and prospering from our help in doing so.

We are committed to you, your vision, your goals in YOUR business.

Why Should You Outsource with 1 Touch Processing?

  • Loan processing is our only business – we are not originators and we would NEVER solicit any of your contacts.
  • It is costly to maintain a staff processor. When production is down, you must still meet their payroll. If a processor leaves your firm, there is salary, unpaid vacation, unemployment and sick days to pay. If you need a staff processor and loan production increases, or the staff processor needs a vacation, 1 Touch Processing is your solution to keep production personnel happy and producing while eliminating office stress by avoiding unnecessary burdens on the operations staff.
  • We can assist your firm with intermittent increases in production, personnel vacation time and personal leave time with our “pay as you close” processing.
  • By outsourcing your processing needs, additional office space is created for production, not costly operation staff.
  • We help you avoid costly hiring and retention pay, matching FICA, workmen’s comp., benefits, sick time, vacation pay, not to mention additional employer taxes as well, etc.

Other Services Available For An Additional Fee

  • We also provide LOA services (Loan Officer Assistant Services) where we call the borrowers and collect the documentation from them for you – on top of providing the most excellent processing experience you have ever encountered. (Add additional fee per contract.)
  • Scenarios Desk Services: Every so often there comes a loan scenario that just doesn’t fit into a standard box….whether it is income, assets, credit, property, anything. Our Loan Scenario’s Desk is your resource to get those “out of the box” loan scenarios sorted out. We don’t want you to ever have to say “No” to a borrower. You will get the answers you need to close more loans. (Add additional fee per contract if the scenario becomes a loan.) Email: [email protected].